
Brighture English Academy 代表。趣味はウクレレとかハイキングとかDIYとか旅行などなど。在米20年。シリコンバレーに住みつつ、日本とアメリカとフィリピンで会社経営しています。最近は英語教育がライフワークになりつつある。


John Mellencamp - Longest Days

80年代に大ヒットしたJohn Couger mellencamp の新しいアルバムの一曲、「Longest Days」はとっても良いです。

人生は甘いことばっかりじゃないっていう当たり前の歌詞ですが、心にグッと来る一曲です。特にサビのところの「Nothing last forever...」の下りがとても良いです。


It seems like once upon a time ago
I was where I was supposed to be
My vision was true and my heart was too
There was no end to what I could dream
I walked like a hero into the setting sun
And everyone called out my name
Death to me was just a mystery
Cause I was too busy raisin up Abel and Cain

But nothing lasts forever
Your best efforts don’t always pay
Sometimes you get sick
And you won’t get better
That’s when life is short
Even in its longest days

So you pretend not to notice
That everything has changed
The way that you look
And the friends you once had
So you just keep on acting the same
But deep down in your soul
The fire has no flame
And who knows then which way to go
Life is short even in its longest days

But nothing lasts forever
Your best efforts don’t always pay
Sometimes you get sick
And you won’t get better
That’s when life is short
Even in its longest days

All I got here
Is the rear view mirror
The reflections of where I’ve been
So you tell yourself I’ll be back up on top some day
But you know there’s nothing waiting up there for you anyway

But nothing lasts forever
Your best efforts don’t always pay
Sometimes you get sick
And you won’t get better
That’s when life is short
Even in its longest days

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